Simplify the transition from university to clinical practice

Better Meds Edu - Comprehensive medication management system
Better Meds Edu enables your students to learn about prescribing, reviewing, and administering medicines electronically — with the same tools they will use in the future — while getting to know the patient safety aspects of the technology.
  • create a new level of interactivity between lecturers and students
  • improve distance learning and enable the development of practical skills while studying remotely
  • capture, track and analyse student engagement

Get access to our award-winning e-prescribing solution — Better Meds

“Izboljšali smo varnost, zmanjšali napake in povečali preglednost zdravstvene obravnave. Izboljšala se je tudi komunikacija znotraj zdravstvenih ekip, saj imajo vsi takojšen dostop do ustreznih zdravstvenih informacij.”

Rajko Kenda, nekdanji strokovni direktor ljubljanske pediatrične klinike

Pioneering Universites are already part of Better Meds Edu