Simplify the transition from university to clinical practice

Better Meds Edu - Comprehensive medication management system
Better Meds Edu enables your students to learn about prescribing, reviewing, and administering medicines electronically — with the same tools they will use in the future — while getting to know the patient safety aspects of the technology.
  • create a new level of interactivity between lecturers and students
  • improve distance learning and enable the development of practical skills while studying remotely
  • capture, track and analyse student engagement

Get access to our award-winning e-prescribing solution — Better Meds

“Newcastle University School of Pharmacy are excited to be introducing Better's ePMA system into our MPharm curriculum teaching to prepare students for the ongoing digital transformation occurring throughout the NHS and beyond. We will give students practical experience of using these systems for medicines management and prescribing and understand the role of these systems in patient safety and care.”

Clare Brown, a lecturer at Newcastle University School of Pharmacy

“We wanted to ensure our students have access to technology that will consistently deliver a realistic training experience, and provide a robust grounding in the systems they will use as they embark on their nursing careers.”

Mark Arnold, Senior lecturer in Adult Nursing at Liverpool John Moores University

“Better Meds is not only about medicine prescribing and administration but also patient safety, decision making, and the development of clinical skills.”

Dr. Mark Murphy, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Simulation at Liverpool John Moores University

“We work with paper-based prescriptions but that, increasingly, does not reflect what is used in practice. As more hospitals move to electronic systems, we wanted to ensure our students have access to technology that will consistently deliver a realistic training experience and provide a robust grounding in the systems they will use as they embark on their nursing careers.”

Mark Arnold, Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing at Liverpool John Moores University

“Where EPMA systems are being implemented by trusts, it is important for our students to be familiar with them. There is also a patient safety issue because while there is evidence that EPMA improves patient safety, it can also raise new issues. We want our students to be aware of those issues, which will be common to all e-prescribing systems.”

Kate Shemilt, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University

Pioneering Universites are already part of Better Meds Edu