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WE are live on this event, Come visit NOW!
Integriran digitalni zdravstveni ekosistem, zgrajen na openEHR in FHIR repozitorijih. Kot osnova zdravstvenega ekosistema, ki temelji na podatkih, pospešuje klinično in poslovno preobrazbo.
“The Better platform allows us to integrate ePROMs into our existing electronic health records. This means clinicians have access to ePROMs within the same setting they use every day. The platform also offers a low-code environment for developers, making it easy for anyone to pick up or learn how to develop the forms and questionnaires.” Read more
Dr Thitikorn Nuamek (Pao)
Clinical Research Fellow – ePROMs, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
“You need preparation, you need resilience, and you need a group of people to believe in the process. Without the good team at the hospital and behind, you can’t do anything.”
Lex Moon
ePMA Clinical Lead, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
“This project will be instrumental in advancing towards integrated therapeutics and truly patient-centred care, through a semantic interoperable, modular solution.” Read more
Jordi Piera Jiménez
Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office, CatSalut
Integriran digitalni zdravstveni ekosistem, zgrajen na openEHR in FHIR repozitorijih.
Rešitev, ki povečuje varnost pacientov, omogoča varnejše predpisovanje zdravil in optimizira delo zdravstvenega osebja.
Interoperabilna podatkovna platforma, ki omogoča celovito oskrbo pacientov in združuje podatke o pacientih v celotnem zdravstvenem sistemu in sistemu oskrbe.
“The Better platform allows us to integrate ePROMs into our existing electronic health records. This means clinicians have access to ePROMs within the same setting they use every day. The platform also offers a low-code environment for developers, making it easy for anyone to pick up or learn how to develop the forms and questionnaires.” Read more
Dr Thitikorn Nuamek (Pao)
Clinical Research Fellow – ePROMs, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
“You need preparation, you need resilience, and you need a group of people to believe in the process. Without the good team at the hospital and behind, you can’t do anything.”
Lex Moon
ePMA Clinical Lead, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
“This project will be instrumental in advancing towards integrated therapeutics and truly patient-centred care, through a semantic interoperable, modular solution.” Read more
Jordi Piera Jiménez
Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office, CatSalut
Nov in izboljšan način zajemanja in analize podatkov, ki jih sporočajo pacienti, kar prispeva k izboljšanju kakovosti oskrbe, zadovoljstva pacientov in zdravstvenih izidov.
Rešitev, ki omogoča sodelovanje pri ustvarjanju, upravljanju in deljenju posameznikovih načrtov oskrbe ter zagotavlja celovito povezovanje vseh vidikov oskrbe pacienta.
Digitalna zdravstvena platforma, ki temelji na standardih openEHR in FHIR, omogoča ustvarjanje in upravljanje zdravstvenih in sistemov oskrbe.
Pridružite se nam na poti raziskovanja prihodnosti digitalnega zdravstva in odkrijte, kaj vse delamo Better.